Hi, I'm Hi, ich bin


a web developer. ein Web-Entwickler.

About me Über mich

Hey! I'm Mahalakshmi, a frontend developer with a solid two years of experience creating captivating and responsive web applications. My coding journey started with a love for turning concepts into interactive and visually stunning websites. Ich begann mit dem Bearbeiten von Videos und Bildern, bevor ich die Web-Entwicklung für mich entdeckt habe!

Proficient in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, I've successfully translated design mockups into pixel-perfect, user-friendly interfaces. I'm committed to writing clean and efficient code, always striving for optimal performance. My experience extends to working with various frontend frameworks and libraries, such as AnjularJS, and staying updated with the ever-evolving tech landscape. What sets me apart is not just my technical expertise but my passion for creating memorable user experiences. Nun erstelle ich anpassungsfähige, zugängliche Websites mit JavaScript, PHP und anderen Technologien!

Skill Über mich

I started out editing videos and images, before I discovered the wonders of web development! Ich begann mit dem Bearbeiten von Videos und Bildern, bevor ich die Web-Entwicklung für mich entdeckt habe!

Now I create responsive, accessible websites with JavaScript, Angular and other technologies! Nun erstelle ich anpassungsfähige, zugängliche Websites mit JavaScript, PHP und anderen Technologien!

  • 65%
  • 83%
  • 72%
  • 97%
  • 96%
  • 85%
  • 70%
  • 65%

Experience Über mich

Work experience taught me that working life is something you need to be prepared for! Ich begann mit dem Bearbeiten von Videos und Bildern, bevor ich die Web-Entwicklung für mich entdeckt habe!

The experience has been a great opportunity and helped me to work out my future. Nun erstelle ich anpassungsfähige, zugängliche Websites mit JavaScript, PHP und anderen Technologien!

Junior Angular Developer

Jan 2023 - Present

Amadis Technologies

Collaborated with other developers to update the website and create new features also assisted senior web designers in creating new websites that match the company's vision.

Web Development Intern

Jan 2022 - Dec 2022

Career Break

When I first read about Web development it undoubtedly gets my traction. I want to do what gives me a lot of joy and inspires me deeply. As my eagerness for web designing and development reaches a critical point, I left my job and employ myself for months to learn everything to create responsive websites and devoured multiple courses in design & frontend tools include,

  • Figma UI UX Design Essentials
  • UI & Web Design using Adobe Illustrator
  • Modern HTML & CSS, Sass
  • Diploma in Software Engineering (MEAN Stack)

I am self-taught and I try to constantly learn new things to make this dream come true.

Business Development Manager

Feb 2020 - Sep 2021

SBI Life Insurance Co. Ltd.

Recruited, trained, and evaluated 20-30 agents to build high-performing teams for business development and successfully achieved the budget-scheduled goals.

Assistant Project Coordinator

Sep 2017 - Dec 2019

Arunachala Technologies

Conducted high-level project research, evidence-based data collection, and preliminary data analysis to support in multitasking research tasks as such,

Projects Projekte

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Contact Kontakt

You can contact me via e-mail, and I'll come back to you as fast as possible! Sie können mich per E-Mail kontaktieren, und ich werde so schnell wie möglich auf Sie zurück kommen!

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You can also find me here: Sie können mich auch hier finden: